Pioneer Woman Star said she has not used ketogenic diets, hunger strikes, buying special diets, using exercise machines, or participating in weight loss programs. But she added that she simply did not apply them, and in some cases did not criticize.
“Health, rational goals and daily joys are the best ways to lose weight,” Drummond recalled.
In a post on her website on Tuesday, the 52-year-old woman said she shared her story "as inspiration (hopefully), not as a means of self-control." She helps her share tips and tricks for her and her readers, they “don't see it as the gospel” and theirs before she changes her life. Emphasize that this is the case. Consult your doctor.
About what she did to answer the question: "How did the pioneer woman lose weight?" Drummond says he lowers calories, weighs food, does exercise, gains muscle mass, increases protein, lowers sugar, and decreases intake. alcohol. She also said she would use an app called Happy. Track your progress and move to your constant work rhythm.
The Oklahoma natives said her exercise should be “a regular part of my day,” and she should have time to exercise no matter what.
“I used to be crazy about sports in my work and travel schedule, but in the past few months I have been put off or postponed for this exercise the next day.” It was a simple shift in thinking. , It was important!"
Rhea honestly told her readers that ketogenic diets and hunger strikes wouldn't work for her. Instead, she was running a calorie deficiency. "I wasted more energy than my body needed to maintain that weight."
Rhea added that she has an online calculator to use. You need to track your activity throughout the day: Look at your calorie count estimate and underestimate it. "I lost my calorie count, so it's good to understand it."
Make exercise a part of your daily life. "I realized I needed to make time to exercise," she said. She also prioritized her exercise, gradually shifting her busy schedule to the background, and then she played "her" sports-for example, walking with her dog.
Ri's goal was muscle, and she gradually incorporated strength training into her program. Her husband has helped create exercises for the legs and buttocks.
"I was weak in my lower body and my legs didn't follow me," she said. "I couldn't walk at all at first!"-But after a while, four days a week of jumps, squats, and athletics, Rhea saw a good improvement.
You are over 40. Now is the age when it is easier to gain weight, when it is difficult to lose it. These changes are in your activity, in your diet, in your hormones, and in the body's ability to store fat, all of which play a role. However, some simple steps can help you lose weight.Возрастная проблема
Experts recommend a healthy morning meal such as oatmeal or whole grain toast with fruits. It helps reduce hunger in the morning while you're out and helps you eat unhealthy foods and overeat at lunch. Small meals and light meals every few hours can reduce your appetite throughout the day.
Eating most of your daily calories at lunch (before 3 pm) can result in you losing more weight than if you had a heavy meal later. But the most important thing is what, not when.
The stomach of beer is not necessarily caused by alcohol intake. But in middle age, "spare" is common, and probably alcohol is here. A glass of beer or wine has about 150 calories, but if you consume too much, you can increase the calories. In addition, alcohol makes you feel hungry, so you can eat more while drinking.